All SELF PAY surgeries include the surgeons fees, hospital or surgery center fees, and anesthesiologist fees. They also include the price of the internal fixation such as screws or plates in most cases. Also listed are prices for patients who have insurances that we do NOT except but that the hospital or surgery center does except.
Self Pay Bunion surgery $3400. If you have insurance but we are out of network =$1000 surgeon fee.
Bunion surgery on both feet $4600. If you have insurance but we are out of network = $1900 surgeon fee.
Hammertoe correction $2000 first toe.
$800 each additional toe.
Plantar fasciitis surgery $2500.
Ankle or calcaneus fracture surgery - Due to complexity of each case, prices will depend on the amount of hardware needed. Call for more information.
Repair of broken metatarsal bone $2900. If you have insurance but are out of network = $900 surgeon fee.
$1900 each additional metatarsal.
Broken toe surgery $2400.
$1200 each additional toe.
Removal of deep foreign body $1900.
Neuroma surgery (release) $2200.
Achilles tendon repair $2800 (can be extra if graft material is needed)
Treatment of each ingrown nail $95. First ingrown included with office visit price.
CAM walker boot $85.
Postoperative visits $70.
Custom Orthotics $400.
Over the counter orthotics $55.
Extra Depth Diabetic Shoes and Custom Molded Inserts $260.
Wound Care $95 per leg or foot (first extremity included in the office visit).
Office Visit $95 flat rate including one minor procedure if needed.
Postoperative visits $70 for any surgery.
Routine foot care with trimming of all nails or calluses $75 after the first visit.
X-rays (no additional charge, included with office visit).
Specific surgery price you are looking for? Please call. Rates are subject to hospital contracted prices which can change. Unfortunately, prices WITH insurance can not be determined in advance and depend on your individual policy.
(954) 443-4141 Office
All SELF PAY surgeries include the surgeons fees, hospital or surgery center fees, and anesthesiologist fees. They also include the price of the internal fixation such as screws or plates in most cases. Also listed are prices for patients who have insurances that we do NOT except but that the hospital or surgery center does except.
Self Pay Bunion surgery $3400. If you have insurance but we are out of network =$1000 surgeon fee.
Bunion surgery on both feet $4900. If you have insurance but we are out of network = $1900 surgeon fee.
Hammertoe correction $2000 first toe.
$800 each additional toe.
Plantar fasciitis surgery $2600.
Ankle fracture or Calcaneal fracture surgery- Unfortunately, prices can not be determined due to complexity of the case and hardware required. Call for more information.
Repair of broken metatarsal bone $3400. If you have insurance but are out of network = $1500 surgeon fee.
Broken toe surgery $2400.
$1200 each additional toe.
Removal of deep foreign body $1800.
Neuroma surgery (release) $2000.
Achilles tendon repair $2500 (can be extra if graft material is needed)
Treatment of each ingrown nail $95. First ingrown included with office visit price.
CAM walker boot $85.
Postoperative visits $70.
Custom Orthotics $400.
Over the counter orthotics $55.
Extra Depth Diabetic Shoes and Custom Molded Inserts $270.
Wound Care $95 per leg or foot (first extremity included in the office visit).
Office Visit $95 flat rate including one minor procedure if needed.
Postoperative visits $70 for any surgery.
Routine foot care with trimming of all nails or calluses $75 after the first visit.
X-rays (no additional charge, included with office visit).
Specific surgery price you are looking for? Please call. Rates are subject to hospital contracted prices which can change. Unfortunately, prices WITH insurance can not be determined in advance and depend on your individual policy.
(954) 443-4141 Office